So here is Metal Dog on his second day in Berlin. Forecast rain all week, a direct contrast to my days in Egypt with temperatures above & around forty degrees. For someone who doesn't like the heat I got used to it, apart from feeling like I needed to shower again after stepping out!
Today I ventured out to Check Point Charlie & its corresponding Museum. Very interesting! Tons of Info to read! Basically, in the not too distant past, Germany was divided by a wall. Neither peoples could pass either side & countless daring escapes, imprisonments, executions & heartaches occurred. Its an intriguing story, spies & amazing devices included. As I walked through the history I kept asking myself..."hadn't Germany been through enough already?"
Then it was off to Reichstag & The Brandenburg Gate, also surrounding these great monuments of former & present glory were other more modern architectural forms...pix are on the way!
Whilst in this vicinity I also admired the architecture of Potsdamerplatz, THIS is the architecture Id been hoping to see! This is what Berlin is all about, driven to perfection.... pix on the way!
After a lot of walking I explored the Gay district, a mixture of many things, many tree lined streets, a plethora of dining opportunities, restaurants etc that is, of varietal ethnic fare. The perfect place for a Queen! Might go back there tomorrow and walk through the Tiergarten, cause Metal Dog Loves Parks! : )
It seems I have a thing for Lions (oops I wrote Loins B4 that!) I have chosen this as my headliner pic cause for the colour, strength and boldness. Its from the Pergamon Museum on Museum Island. Original faience wall tiles illustrating the sacred lions, during the reign of Nebuchadnezar II Sixth Century BC. So many beautiful expressions of architectures Ancient past.
Exhibit TWO is one of many reliefs to be admired while strolling the holy grounds of Karnak Temple, most of it in good order. This pic of Ramses (?) has been tinted green cause this is how I felt about it in my minds eye. A cool relief of a Pharaoh kneeling (kneeling is symbolic)
Next I've jumped over to Berlin in Exhibit THREE. Ich liebe diche this Lion! No Im not being rude, this is my limited vocabulary of German, I love this Lion! And yes he is smiling. Smiling Lions are my favourite kind : )
Exhibit FOUR brings us to the land of the Pyramids, sorry forgive me for land hopping Im excuse for everything! Anyway Ancient Egypt was my childhood dream, a dream cause it provided me with endless fantasies and imaginings as I grew up. You see dreams can come true! But only if you want them to : )
Exhibit SIX, a Felucca ride on the Nile. This was a marvelous moment, I was so happy as depicted here, really relaxed and happy.
One of the things I could not stand & takes a lot of getting used to was the constant haggling & approaches to be sold to. "No hassel, no hassel!" Selling "stuff" that you apparently want. If only they didn't do this they'd make a great deal more sales! Instead it made me want to keep on walkin! Not peruse their wares & discover something people may really want. Anyway this pic was taking in one of those rare moments where I wasn't hassled : ) "No hassel, no hassel!" Yeah right! : )
Sometimes pictures lie. In this shot Im not actually bigger than the donkey! My feet don't really touch the ground. We were given strict instruction not to give our donkey a name and to be tough with our donkey, wise words. Calling out "Yella yella" was supposed to make donkey, affectionately named, go faster faster! This was not the case. Stubborn as a mule? Yes this was more to the point. At least I didn't fall off & I could steer donkey : ) We rode from the river bank of Luxor & up to the Valley of the Kings. I want to ride a donkey again & I'd like to try riding a horse. The experience was one of my highlights! Thanks donkey, you rock! : )
Exhibit TEN is an example of yet another highlight of the trip. The food was out of this world! The flavours were fresh & inviting. The hand models used courtesy of my food stylin direction. They were requested them to create authenticity & to give the photograph life!
Another question that Im sure I will delve into is why oh why is Queen Nefititi given SO much attention when her husband was a unique & fascinating individual who made Ancient Egyptian history as a heretic Pharaoh!? He is far more interesting, she was just very beautiful (apparently)
We had two HUGE train journeys to take us to Luxor & beyond. How many hours was it? Did we really sleep at all? We used the train that the locals used, there were signs in some places that said it was First Class. First Class for what?! Exhibit Fifteen is actually the lovely Anna, blending into her surroundings & looking quite cultural. In pix B4 this you will notice a bevy of equally attractive & engaging ladies. Observe Exhibit Twelve from left to right is Mel, Claudette (Canadian), Julie, Anna, Lisa & Christina. (Spain / UK) I had SO many wonderful experiences with all of them. Each has there own unique character & way of being. I certainly got more than I bargained for, which makes me teary eyed. (Teary Eyed is a great song by Missy Elliot btw)
Just to elaborate here in case there is any confusion for my viewers out there when I was referring to the heat in Exhibit Eighteen I did mean the temperature, not me, though I do look rather dishy in (this) pic. Maybe not so leg spreaded but I did say it was hot! : )
Exhibit TWENTYONE..... Aren't I clever! There were many shots taken like this for reflection.
Exhibit TWENTYTWO / TWENTYTHREE mentions a cover charge. This Mosque was incredible & I've got lots of pix to prove it. Though our guide provided much confusion regarding a cover charge, a tip really. He seemed to have some set price, per person, in mind at the end of the visitation. He sure confused us! This disappointed me slightly cause B4 this I was a little awestruck. Luckily I bought some beautiful & highly decorative Papayrus at the markets across from here. The pic in Exhibit TWENTYTHREE is intriguing cause these are the placements for where the men come to pray. The ladies have there own separate area. Im sure this is standard for Mosque design.
The moral to that story when in Egypt etc is... Always agree on a price B4 venturing forth!
Its actually Four30 am here in Berlin, I've had too much fun writing this to stop. A leisurely last day today when I awake!
So that brings us to the end of the Exhibits for now. There are many more sites to behold, after this short break...........
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