Pathways Through Tiergarten

Pathways Through Tiergarten
A Beautiful Park

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Still to come!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to take SO long to post something! My wonderful friend Jon has suggested that I do a Top Ten or Top Five Highlights of my holiday. Think it will be my Top Ten, could possibly be more! 

Im still only half way through sorting out my 1600 pictures I took! Think I've managed to cull it so far to 1500! 

There  were SO many highlights of my trip, this one still making me go WOW! I did that I went there! Im still in awe, the awe mostly set aside for Egypt, my childhood dream. Im really itching to write now though I really want to get the highlights sorted in my mind, choose the pix, then write about them. Im also going to include the dramas, the regrets and what I WILL do next time, such as spend more time at the ancient Egyptian sites and not rush them. 

I want to write about the movies I've seen and the books Im reading & music Im listening to. Im starting a course soon so I'll have to make time for that!

Anyway before I get carried away writing about what Im "gonna" do and before I start writing what I was gonna do later Im going now! 

Any suggestions for things to write about and pix to take are most welcome too  :  )  


  1. Dear Dog,

    I am now looking at your doggy bloggy on a full size monitor and it is most colourful. Sadly I am still waiting for your top 10. I am most curious to know what made it in. with photos.

    What a dog....this never happened to Pablo Picasso

  2. Hey Dog, how are things? Your blog is looking better and better. Love the coloured types. When will the top ten be released?

  3. Darling what the block is happening?? More news ploise!!
